The Adventures of Treah

Former Final Fantasy XI Logbook and Future Final Fantasy XIV Playdiary!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

/goodbye Elshimo

Finally, freedom! I know it's so easy to form parties on Elshimo Island, and it's fun tanking mandy as thief (certainly, partying never gets more relaxed), but as anyone who's leveled past 30 will tell you, by the time you're high enough level to leave, you're quite glad to ^^

So, my night starts thusly: I zap myself to Kazham and decide to seek in Yhoator Jungle, a great place for XP for levels ~27 to ~32. I'm immediately greeted by a shouting match between two players, which, to my disappointment, is only mildly interesting. I wait only a few minutes before receiving an invite, and I run to the party's camp. One member had left and another D/Ced for good, so replacements needed to be arranged. One of the shouters was one of them.

So right away, it's evident that this player is impatient and inconsiderate. He seemed to know what he was doing (I've seen much worse, preformance wise), but he had some crazy ideas about the way things were, and was dead set in his opinions. Anyway, our interaction with him hardly mattered, because he went AFK without telling us for a long while, forcing us to kick and replace him.

So we get some replacements and XP fairly decently with the five of us (our leader was AFK, dealing with his parents). Luckily, this was one of those enjoyable parties I discussed in an earlier post. I can't recall if I specified a preference or not, so I'll say it right now: I prefer groups with funny, lively people much more than groups of seasoned vets. We joked, we BSed, and we poked fun of the guy we kicked, who was begging to return in a generally annoying mannor (apparently, it's okay to leave your computer in the middle of a party, without telling anyone, to watch TV for 15 minutes).

WHM, MNK, BLU, THF...who'd've thunk it? ^^ (the big chap is Dirtydevil's NPC buddy.

But after a time, people had to leave, and then there were four. All good things must come to an end...or at least, that's what I thought. (remember to hover your mouse for the captions!)

While we distributed hate pretty frequently, Keilala was our designated tank.  At times, my Sneak Attacks would fail to draw hate from her, which is very impressive!

Surprisingly, our quaint quartet kicked all kinds of ass! We continued to chain successfully, and even managed to battle a mandragora and a goblin smithy simultaneously, and survive! It was a refreshing group, because it reminded me that there is no hard-and-fast way to do anything in this game. Tried-and-tested works for most people, but it's a mistake to dismiss something unconventional that might work without at least giving it a shot. Hopefully, it won't end here, either. I've heard of successful odd-ball groups at high level, like parties with three rangers and nobody else. Regardless, while I wave goodbye to the Rock of Doom, a part of me will miss the samurai tanks, or the dual ranger groups, or, of course, the Quartet of Quashing ^^

Two White Lizzies fuse together to form one White Lizzie.  Fear t3h dual tail!

Heh, I'll take a picture of anything ^^ it's due to little things like this that my hard drive is cluttered with 2,826 screenshots ^^`


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